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Giovanni Ferrari. A fashion-forward designer from Milan who developed an extravagant streetwear style mixing leathers, velvets, and other luxurious materials to create a bold statement. He was always pushing boundaries to keep up with the trends-Tee

Regular price $60.00
Regular price Sale price $60.00
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Giovanni Ferrari. A fashion-forward designer from Milan who developed an extravagant streetwear style mixing leathers, velvets, and other luxurious materials to create a bold statement. He was always pushing boundaries to keep up with the trends-Tee

Giovanni Ferrari. A fashion-forward designer from Milan who developed an extravagant streetwear style mixing leathers, velvets, and other luxurious materials to create a bold statement. He was always pushing boundaries to keep up with the trends-Tee

This insane streetwear t-shirt is made from lightweight and breathable cotton fabric, taking the street fashion game to the next level. Stand out from the crowd with this all-over-print design featuring bold, bright colors, and statement-making textiles. The sleek silhouette makes for a contemporary look for everyday wear! #streetwear #tshirt #style #clothes #styleofthecity #daretobedifferent #bold #boldstyle #trendy #fashionista #cottontee #swagstyle

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