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Giovanni Rossi - the Italian streetwear designer from Milan who caused quite a stir with his avant-garde, bold, and eye-catching designs throughout the 1990s, always pushing the boundaries of fashion and taking streetwear to-Tee

Regular price $60.00
Regular price Sale price $60.00
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Giovanni Rossi - the Italian streetwear designer from Milan who caused quite a stir with his avant-garde, bold, and eye-catching designs throughout the 1990s, always pushing the boundaries of fashion and taking streetwear to-Tee

Giovanni Rossi - the Italian streetwear designer from Milan who caused quite a stir with his avant-garde, bold, and eye-catching designs throughout the 1990s, always pushing the boundaries of fashion and taking streetwear to-Tee

This striking streetwear t-shirt features an eye-catching design made of various textiles of different textures. The intricate look of the design brings together bold lines and shapes in striking colors. The bold design allows you to make a statement wherever you go. The breathable material makes for comfortable wear all day long. Stand out and be different in this one-of-a-kind design! #streetweartee #statementwear #textiledesign #boldlines #shapesinmotion #uniquetextiles #stayscomfy #incrediblecolors #beautifuldesign #creativepatterns #pieceofart

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